The journal of“Transactions of the Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnologies” is one of basic journals published in Azerbaijan dedicated to the study of urgent problems of modern biology and medicine. Articles dealing with the study in many areas of biology (biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, physiology (human, plant and animal), zoology, botany, plant reserve experience and introduction etc.) as well as articles reflecting the result of studies on the clinical practice of medicine are preferably given. Journal accepts various formats of scientific works such as rapid communications, research articles, review articles, article-commentaries, and meeting-reports. It has a web-site ( along with international standard serial number 2709-0744 (print), 2709-0752 (online).
This journal collects standard information (e-mail, address, affiliation, researcher ID, ORCHID ID etc.) only from registered users. This information make communication possible for the editorial process, which enables collecting aggregated data on submissions and publications. This data will not be passed on to third parties, used for other purposes and anonymity will be preserved. The authors published in this journal also are responsible for the human subject data (on population and medical studies) that is used in the research reported here.
The journal accepts for publication only the results of original research that have not been published anywhere else. The level of plagiarism in manuscripts submitted for publication in this journal should not exceed 25%. At the checking for plagiarism, citations in the text and references are not taken into account. It is also allowed to use standard phrases related to the material and methods.
All research articles published in TIMBB are fully open access: immediately freely available to read, download and share. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. After publication in the journal author(s) and copyright holder(s) grant(s) provide a full access to all users subject to proper attribution of authorship.
Article Processing Charge: All articles published in TIMBB are published in full open access.
Copyright Transfer Statement: For detailed information and “Copyright Transfer Statement” for see: Copyright Transfer Statement.pdf
Scientific Subject Classification: For “Scientific Subject Classification” see: Scientific_Subject_Classification.pdf