

Manuscript submission requirements and quidelines for publication in the journal of “Transactions of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies” (TIMBB) (Minisry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan)

Manuscripts typed only in English languange are accepted for publication. It must reflect the results of the author’s own (original) researches; the results should not be published in other journals prior to submission for publication. In order to preserve the priority of the obtained new results small-scale (1-3 pages) articles with report character can be published. Invited reviews or analytical reviews that include the author’s own researches are also accepted for publication. The volume of research articles compiled according to the quidlines should not exceed 5-10 pages, for review articles it should not exceed 20 pages. The abstract should be about half a page (150-200 words or 1500-2000 characters).

Research articles should include the sections as indicated in Sample_TIMBB.doc:

Paper must be necessarily submitted in MS Office Word (version 97-2003 or later). Paper A4. Margins: 2 cm from each side. Font: Times New Roman. Font size: 11. Interval: 1

  1. Requirements for tables, illustrations and formulas:
    • The width of the table placed in one column should not exceed 8.1 cm, a width of the tables placed in two columns - 17.0 cm. Link to the tables in the text should be presented as following: (Table 1), (Table 2) or (Table 1, 2), etc. Font size: 9.
    • Pictures, graphics and schemes should be unifed in figures. Link to the figures in the text should be presented as following: (Fig. 1), (Fig. 2) or (Fig. 1, 2), etc. The width of figures placed in one column should not exceed 8.1 cm, the width of graphs placed in two columns should not exceed 17.0 cm. If necessary, drawings should be submitted separately from the text of the article file. Separately presented pictures should be submitted in jpeg, tiff, bmp, pdf or similar formats, the resolution should not be less than 300 dpi. Graphs must be compiled using appropriate graphic software (MS Excel, SiqmaPlot, Origin etc.).
    • Chemical formulas must be drawn using appropriate software such as BioviaDraw, ChemDraw, ChemOffice etc., and mathematical formulas - using MS Equation, MathType formula editors etc. Mathematical formulas must be numbered if there is no less than one formula, and title and explanations of chemical formulas must be typed below or aside.
  2. Reference citation and compilation of the reference list:
    • Citation for reference should be given within the text in parentheses. Citation reflects the last name of the first author, year of publication of the article (source). For example: (Ivanov, 1998 a, b; Freedi et al., 2003; Mamedov et al., 2011). Sources are sorted in the list of references in alphabetical order. The reference sources should be ultimately informative (the authors of the article, then the year of publication in parentheses, followed by the name of the article, name of the publisher, journal volume, number, pages number (see Simple). In case of translation of the source to English, the original language should be specified in parentheses in the end of the source.
  3. Article and accociated files (figures, other supporting materials etc.) should be submitted electronically (timbb@imbb.science.az). The file name of electronic vesion of the article should represent surname and initials of the author (or first author). For example: Aliyev_BC.doc; Mamedov_DE.docx.

NOTE: Articles that have not been prepared in accordance with the requirements will be rejected.