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Aims and Scope
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Peer Review Process
Volume III, 2019
Dynamics of some carbon and nitrogen metabolism enzymes during the day in various wheat genotypes under drought
Аctivity of some enzymes of the carbon metabolism and H+-pumps in root cells of wheat genotypes exposed to salt stress
Effect of salt stress on growth, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes in leaves and roots of maize (Zea mays L.)
The effect of nano compounds on the physiological characteristics of wheat seedlings
Reactive oxygen species in plant cells their formation, localizatıon and functions
Economic botany ethno-pharmacological inventory of some medicinal plants of the Azerbaijan flora
Identification of HSP16.9 gene in local wheat genotypes using an allele-specific primer
Dynamics of antioxidant enzyme activities during the senescence of flag leaf in wheat plants under drought stress
DREB regulon a key regulator of abiotic stress tolerance in plants
The expression pattern of WRKY10 gene under salt stress conditions in two contrasting (Triticum aestivum L.) wheat genotypes
Comparative analysis of the sequence of the genomes 'Ca. Phytoplasma' species
The effect of different light quality treatments on plants pigment-protein complexes dynamics
Proliferation of an isolated wheat culture under the influence of hormonal factors against the background of salt stress
The influence of some features of in vitro cultivation on direct germination, callusogenesis and morphogenesis in the culture of mature barley embryos